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MLA 2113 Media Anthropology Student ID: 1101108877

Monday, August 2, 2010


I'm going to discuss about the words [whatever].
For this moment, whatever is just like the slang for people. When we questioning or sometime when we deciding something, suddenly a person will popped out with the words :"Whatever".

Do whatever represent any meaning of it? Can we answer "whatever" in our exam answer? Or else when the lecturer asking us a question, suddenly a student answer with the word "Whatever".
So i do some research about whatever. About the meaning or something related to whatever.
Definition of whatever: Anything soever which; the thing or things of any kind; being this or that; of one nature or another; one thing or another; anything that may be; all that.

1. Sharing quotes, it stand with the words whatever.
- I don't believe in killing whatever the reason. By John Lennon.
- Always do whatever's next. By George Carlin.
-Whatever happens, take responsibility. By Tony Robbins.
- If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us. By Jim Rohn.

2.Whatever are the name of soft drinks made and distributed in Singapore alongside each other, by the company Out of The Box Pte Ltd. I found there is a soft drink named Anything. Same as Whatever.
3. "Whatever," a song by Imogen Heap from I Megaphone.

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