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MLA 2113 Media Anthropology Student ID: 1101108877

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lesson 7:Statement

- LOVE -
Love is just like chili.

Different feeling different types.

Sometime hot while sometime dry.

Get it spicy let it cry. Feel it after loves get high.


Do not beat the ripper by living long.

Beat the ripper by living full

Fulfill it with our joyful in everyday.

As simple as why does ice cream melt,

we can only rejoice it for a moment.

Taste will always linger in our mouth and mind.

Just like how our love lingers in the memories of my mind

even after when you're long gone.

- MAN -

Man is just like part of mortar.

Mortar cant's function without pestle. But when mortar met pestle, it do functionally as well.

Just like when a man met up with woman, man will try his best to care for his another.

Being responsible for woman.

Both will just like mortar and pestle, can't stay without each others.

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